Sunday, October 12, 2008

Anxiety and the Stock Market

So every  morning I walk downstairs to eat breakfast before school. And since it is so early in the morning, the only channel I ever watch is the news. And as we all know, the stock market and the economic crisis in America has been the central issue of all news broadcasts. Although this crisis has not yet directly affected me or my family, I know there are thousands, maybe even millions of Americans who are in severe economic trouble.

I also know that I am a giant "stresscase" sometimes, and I can't imagine having to deal with the stress of a nationwide economic downfall. I read an article from CNN about this very topic the other day. In the article, it says that women are twice as likely to be come more of "worrywarts" than men! This is mostly because of the differing hormones in men and women. 

Also, the article tried to inform the reader of when it is necessary to get help from such anxiety. Experts say that one needs to seek help for anxiety issues when their anxiousness begins to interfere with other aspects of that person's life. For example, their work or their relationships. They say if this is happening, then that person should seek medicine, talk therapy, or both.

This was a very shocking statement because years ago I got to the point of stress that I had a peptic stress ulcer in my stomach! So did I need treatment? I doubt it. I was only in seventh grade, and I am very chill about most things now. But this brief research does make me wonder how many people are going to be looking for help in these stressful times in America, and whether or not those people are going to be able to afford the help for the anxiety our economy has brought them!


Peter44 said...

This is very interesting sami this economic crisis is hitting hard to everyone. Fourtunately the market seems to be on it's way back up. Hopefully it continues it's way up.

Kim said...

I was extremely surprised to hear that women have more stress than men. In most cases, not all of course, men feel the need to be the main supplier for their families. They want the leading roles. So if there is economic crisis, I definitely would have thought the men trying to be the "head of the household" would have much more stress than the women.

Anyway, this is a very serious issue, and I really hope that after the election there could be a way help our failing economy.

And don't stress out! I wouldn't want you getting another stomach ulcer!

Grace Kim said...

I agree with Sami. I personally think that anxiety is necessary to function because it provides balance in life. I would be more scared if there was a woman who did not worry and was not anxious. I think articles like the one from CNN are posted/ published so that businesses can receive more business. Obviously if women were to read the article they would go to seek help therefore creating business and in a way helping the economy. There is a little side of me that thinks this article was published at this time so it could help businesses.